Détail de l'appel
UBLIA / UBLI2A - Laboratoires internationaux associés
publié le 12 février 2025
- ouverture des candidatures le 12 février 2025 à 00:00
- clôture des candidatures le 15 avril 2025 à 23:59
This program aims to support the operation of "associated
international laboratories" (UBLIA) defined as structures without walls,
based on a research team from the University of Bordeaux and at least
one other team from an international education and research institution
or an international academic institution, enabling the joint conduct of
original and high-impact thematic scientific projects, co-constructed,
and potentially interdisciplinary (UBLI2A).
- Support international research collaborations of excellence, by funding 6 new LIAs over the period 2025-2027 for a duration of 5 years each.
- Strengthen the visibility and international positioning of the University of Bordeaux in research, by institutionalizing partnerships.
- Establish an international consortium.
- Encourage innovative and interdisciplinary research projects with high impact, aligning with the strategic priorities of the university.
- Encourage the organization of joint events.
- Promote the involvement of young researchers in international networks.
- Promote an integrated approach associating research, training, and innovation.
- Attract international co-financing and potentially from the socio-economic sector. Encourage responses to calls for projects (Horizon Europe...) or international competitions (X-Prize...)
- Align international collaborations with the objectives of the five-year contract, in particular by strengthening the positioning of researchers in international networks and by continuing the dynamic of internationalization of the university.
The UBLIA/UBLI2A label will be awarded for 5 years and may include:
For new projects:
* A doctoral (36 months) or post-doctoral (12 or 24 months) allocation
* An operating budget of up to €15,000/year
For existing projects already financed by ONR partners:
* An
operating budget of up to €5,000/year
1.3 Selection of UBLIA / UBLI2A projects UBLIA projects are subject to a rigorous selection process, comprising several stages. This process guarantees an impartial and thorough evaluation, ensuring the selection of projects of high scientific quality and aligned with the strategic priorities of the University of Bordeaux.
1.3.1 Calendar
- Opening of the call: February 12, 2025
- Submission deadline: April 15, 2025
- Evaluation of proposals: Within 2 months of receipt
- Announcement of results: No later than June 15, 2025
1.3.2 - Eligibility criteria
- The project must involve at least one research team from the University of Bordeaux and one international team.
- The duration of the project is 5 years.
- The application must be submitted by the research unit of the UB carrying the project (UB supervisory body or UB co-supervisory body).
- The application must be accompanied by a reasoned opinion from the unit director and their visa.
- The application must be accompanied by a letter of intent from the partner to support the project.
- The project guarantees the reciprocity of the partners' commitments, to strengthen collaboration and balance in partnership relations.
- A minimum financial contribution from each partner is required (20% to 50% of the project budget).