Détail de l'appel
Bordeaux Neurocampus Graduate Program
Call for International PhD Positions in Neuroscience in 2020
publié le 20 décembre 2019
- ouverture des candidatures le 20 décembre 2019 à 00:00
- clôture des candidatures le 29 février 2020 à 23:59
- https://neurocampus-graduateprogram.u-bordeaux.fr/PhD-program
The Bordeaux Neurocampus PhD Program is part of the Bordeaux University Research Graduate School and supported by the state-funded program "Investments for the future".
Each year, the International PhD Program offers additional fully-funded PhD positions on a fixed-term 3 year contract.
The PhD Program takes place within the research laboratories of the
dynamic and international neuroscience community of Bordeaux Neurocampus
The program addresses a wide range of topics concerning
complex brain functions and diseases. addresses a wide range of topics
related to the complexity of brain function and diseases. The teams and
partners have diverse as well as complementary expertise, that includes:
biology of neural cells and synapses, animal and human behavior, physiology of
neural networks, mechanisms of neurodegenerative and mental disorders.
Multidisciplinary technological approaches and multiscale analyses are
employed, at the molecular, cellular, systemic, behavioral, and clinical
PhD students benefit from a variety of educational programs, ambitious
training initiatives, international conferences and top quality research
facilities. It represents a minimum of 100 hours of additional courses
The International PhD training offer includes:
- Research projects in Bordeaux Neurocampus laboratories covering a wide range of expertise and technologies from basic to applied and translational research
- Monthly PhD seminar
series in neurosciences and complementary disciplines which provides students with complementary skills on various topics
- Hands-on training workshops as trainee or instructor in cutting-edge facilities of the Bordeaux School of Neuroscience
- International mobility opportunities via structured academic partnerships
- Access to research networks through the wide community of local and international reknown scientifists from various and complementary disciplines
- Carrer guidances services to support trainees employability in academia and industry
All courses are delivered in English.
Requirements :
a Master degree* in a relevant discipline
an excellent academic and scientific level
previous experience in a research laboratory
- Have an adequate level of English to follow and participate in courses, projects, seminars, workshops, etc.
*Applicants are expected to hold their Master diploma for the registration step at the very latest.
Admission to the PhD program involves 4
1/ Online application for pre-selection: personal and academic details, documents to be provided
2/ Personal interview (in person at Bordeaux Neurocampus if possible or via skype): 30 minutes to present academic background, research experience, motivation for 3 preferred PhD research projects (among a list of available PhD research projects which will be published after the pre-selection step, within the interview session, and may be updated within the official notification).
3/ Discussion and final validation with the PhD supervisor (the applicant is invited to
directly contact and organize meetings with the PhD supervisors of its
preferred PhD research projects during his stay for interviews).
4/ Registration at the Life and Health Science Doctoral School of the University of Bordeaux.